Submitting Contributions

  • [code]
  • [plugins]
  • [extras]
  • [contribs]

Anyone can make plugins or themes for AresMUSH. As long as you’re following the License requirements, go to town and share what you like however you like.

If you want to take advantage of Ares’ automated theme/plugin installers, and have your contributions easily found by others in AresCentral, you can submit your contributions to AresCentral. This guide will tell you how.

Sharing Plugins

In order to be compatible with the automated plugin installer, your plugin must have its own repository in GitHub. For example: Preferences Plugin. If you need help creating one, feel free to ask for help.

To have your plugin included in the AresCentral plugin directory, just contact us with the GitHub url.

Plugin Repo Structure

Plugin repos must follow a particular folder structure:

  • The repo must be named ares-YOURPLUGINNAME-plugin.
  • A plugin folder containing files organized into sub-folders matching the Plugin Folder Conventions (help, locales, etc.)
  • A webportal folder containing files organized into sub-folders matching the web portal’s app folder (templates, components, etc.)
  • A game folder containing files organized into sub-folders matching the aresmush game folder (config, text, etc.)
  • A file explaining what the plugin does and how to use it. You can use one of the existing plugins as a model.
  • The installer ignores any other folders, so you can use them for examples, documentation, or whatever you want.

For example:

All folders are optional, so just omit any that don’t apply to your plugin.

Plugin Versioning

Versioning your plugin can make it easier to troubleshoot problems by identifying whether a given game is running your latest code. To do this, just add a “version” method to your plugin module, as shown below, and update it whenever you release new code.

module AresMUSH
  module Yourplugin
    def self.version

Plugin Database Migrations

Sometimes your plugin will need a database field initialized, or a default config value set. You could give game runners some tinker code snippets to run, but it can be easier to just define a method in your plugin to perform the installation steps.

For example, you might create a method to initialize a database value at install time:

module AresMUSH
  module Yourplugin
    def self.install_setup
      Character.all.each { |c| c.update(your_db_field: 'default value') }

Then you just need to tell them to run ruby Yourplugin.install_setup after they’ve installed the plugin.

You can also provide something to run when the code gets upgraded. The database migrator class has some utilities for reading/writing config files that are particularly useful here. For instance, you might create a method that sets a new configuration option to a default value:

module AresMUSH
  module Yourplugin
    def self.migrate_add_someoption
      DatabaseMigrator.read_config_file("yourplugin.yml", config)
      config['yourplugin']['someoption'] = 'some value'
      DatabaseMigrator.write_config_file("yourplugin.yml", config)

Then you can tell game runners to run ruby Yourplugin.migrate_add_someoption to update their configuration.

Sharing Themes

In order to be compatible with the automated theme installer, your theme must have its own repository in GitHub. For example: Ares Dark Theme. If you need help creating one, feel free to ask for help.

To have your plugin included in the AresCentral theme directory, just contact us with the GitHub url.

Theme Repo Structure

In order to be compatible with the automated theme installer, a theme must follow a particular folder structure:

  • The repo must be named ares-YOURTHEMENAME-theme.
  • A styles folder with custom_style.scss and colors.scss.
  • An optional images folder with the theme images needed by the portal. You can supply all, any, or none of the images.
  • A README file describing your theme. It’s nice to include some screenshots as well.

Sharing Other Things

Code snippets, config files, and other things that are neither plugins nor themes can be posted on the Forum or contributed to the Ares Extras repo.

Submitting Patches

Coders may also submit patches to the main Ares codebase for bugfixes and/or new features using GitHub pull requests.