Create a Database Field

We’ll need to save character abilities to the database, which entails some new database fields.

Storing a Hash

The simplest approach would just be to create a single hash on the Character model and store all the ability data there, like so:

class Character
  attribute :cortex_abilities, :type => DataType::Hash, :default => {}

To update someone’s strength, you’d have to do something like this:

old_abilities = char.cortex_abilities
old_abilities['attributes']['strength'] = 'd6'
char.update(cortex_abilities: old_abilities)

This works, but it’s a little clunky. You have to load and save all abilities as a batch, even if you’re just changing one. And it’s prone to typos. If you do ‘atributes’ instead of ‘attributes’, you won’t get an error message but the code will just not update the data properly.

Storing Models

A better way is to use specialized database models. The Cortex plugin define several model classes for this purpose. Let’s look at one of them - CortexSkill - in detail.

Model Definition

First we have the class definition. Inheriting from Ohm::Model is what makes it a database model – a class capable of storing data to the database – and including ObjectModel provides access to a number of useful standard Ares database utilities.

module AresMUSH
  class CortexSkill < Ohm::Model
    include ObjectModel

Model Attributes

Next we have the model attributes - a name, step, specialties and the character the ability belongs to. The index :name statement creates an index on the name field, which just helps the database look things up faster.

  attribute :name
  attribute :die_step
  reference :character, "AresMUSH::Character"
  index :name

It’s expected that die_step will be a step like ‘d2’, ‘d4’, etc. rather than a numeric value.

Character Reference

The CortexSkill class stores which character each ability belongs to, but we also want to be able to easily find all of a character’s skills. To do this, we add a reverse reference in the Character model. Since a character can have multiple skills, this reference uses the collection type.

class Character
    collection :cortex_skills, "AresMUSH::CortexSkill"

This allows us to reference things both ways:

char = Character.find_one_by_name("Bob")

# This gets us all of a character's skills
skill = char.skills[0]

# This gets us back to the character (Bob)

Saving Skills

To create a skill, we just need to create a new model object.

char = Character.find_one_by_name("Bob")
skill = CortexSkill.create(name: "Guns", die_step: 1, character: char)

To update a skill, first we have to find it. There’s a utility in aresmush/plugins/cortex/helpers.rb that can help us with that:

char = Character.find_one_by_name("Bob")
skill = Cortex.find_skill(char, "Guns")

Once we have the skill model, we can update it or delete it:

skill.update(die_step: 'd4')

This article is part of the Creating a Plugin tutorial.