Configuring the Scenes System

  • [config]

To configure the Scenes plugin:

  1. Select Admin -> Setup.
  2. Edit scenes.yml


You can configure the available scene types. By default they are “event”, “social” and “vignette”. This helps categorize logs on the Web Portal.


You can configure the color that is used in OOC asides. You can use multiple color codes. For example: %xh%xc


The game will periodically clear scene sets and scenes from empty rooms.

There is a cron job to control when this happens. See the Cron Job Tutorial for help if you want to change this.


When you complete a scene and share the log, the default behavior is to compress all the poses together into a single narrative, like you’d find in a book. You can alternately include a separator line between poses to make it more clear which pargarphs went together in a single pose. This separator can be styled with custom CSS using the ‘pose-divider’ class.


Scenes in grid rooms are automatically closed when there’s nobody left in the room. Scenes in temp rooms (including scenes played solely on the web portal) are closed after this many days without activity.

The game will post trending scenes (i.e. recent scenes with the most ‘likes’ on the web portal) to a forum. By default this happens once a week, and you can control the timing with trending_scenes_cron. You can also control which forum it posts to with trending_scenes_category. Leave the category blank to disable the post.


Character cards are mini-profiles that are shown when you click on a character’s icon next to their pose. If you enable this setting, the game will use your own custom code for the character cards instead of the built-in ones. See Custom Character Cards.

The ‘related scenes’ dropdown doesn’t show ALL scenes for performance reasons. It will only show scenes that have been shared within a certain number of days. You can configure that limit. Be careful about making it too large, as that can lead to lag when editing scenes.


This is a list of pre-made content warnings that players can choose from the list when creating a scene. They can still enter their own no matter what you put here; this list just provides guidance for what sorts of things they should consider warning about.

Deleting Unshared Scenes

The game is not designed to store unshared scenes indefinitely. This can lead to memory bloat, game lag, and performance issues. There are several ways unshared scenes can be marked for deletion:

  • Manually by a player or admin using the scene/delete command or web menu item.
  • Automatically by the unshared scene cleanup feature. (optional)
  • When a player idles out. Usually relevant for roster games that may not want new roster players to inherit private scenes from the old player. (optional)

There are several configuration options related to these features:


Turns the automatic unshared scene cleanup feature on or off.


If delete_unshared_scenes is enabled, this is how long completed scenes can remain unshared before they are marked for deletion. This doesn’t include the grace period before the scene is actually deleted - that’s controlled by scene_trash_timeout_days.


When a scene is marked for deletion (either manually or automatically), this option controls the grace period before the scene is actually deleted. It may not be set lower than 14 days.


Whether unshared scenes should be marked for deletion when a participating character idles out. The usual grace period still applies before the scene actually gets deleted.


See the Cron Job Tutorial for help if you want to change when the cron job runs. Don’t use this to turn the feature on or off - use delete_unshared_scenes instead.

Custom Scene Pose Buttons

Below the pose editor in a live scene is a row of buttons including “Add Pose” and “Add OOC”. With custom code, you can add custom buttons here that make use of the contents of the scene pose window–for instance, for sending a text message. See Custom Scene Buttons.

Custom Scene Menu Buttons

You can also add new menu items to the live scene’s “Play” menu with custom code. You might do this if you’re designing a new “extra” for a skill system, for instance. See Custom Scene Buttons.