Configuring the Page System

  • [config]

To configure the Page plugin:

  1. Select Admin -> Setup.
  2. Edit page.yml


You can configure the default page color. Players can customize this either in-game or through their handle profiles. You can use multiple color codes. For example: %xh%xc

page_start_marker and page_end_marker

You can configure the markers used in the <PM> tag at the beginning of pages, to make them mirror your channel format.

page_deletion_days and page_deletion_cron

The system will clear out old pages, mostly to prevent database bloat. You can control how long pages are kept. By default it’s 60 days.

There is a cron job to control when pages are cleared. By default it runs once a week in the middle of the night. See the Cron Job Tutorial for help if you want to change this.