Web Portal Mixins

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Like the include CommandHandler statement on the game engine side, which allows all Command Handlers to share some common code, Mixins in Ember provide common building blocks of functionality. There are a few common Mixins used throughout the web code.

Route Authentication

All Routes extend one of the route authentication mixins to make sure the character is properly authenticated.

  • DefaultRoute is for routes that are allowed even if you’re not logged in.
  • AuthenticatedRoute is for routes that require you to be logged in.
  • RestrictedRoute is for routes that require you to be logged in with an admin or coder character.
  • UnauthenticatedRouteMixin is for routes that require you to not be logged in. This one has a slightly different name than the others because it comes from another code library.

For example:

import DefaultRoute from 'ares-webportal/mixins/default-route';
export default Route.extend(DefaultRoute, {

Reloadable Route

A reloadable route is one that is designed to be refreshed without leaving the screen, usually after sending a request to the game. The Controller can issue a refresh request by calling this.send('reloadModel');

For example, the chargen screen reloads itself after the player clicks the “Reset Abilities” button.

Route Reset On Exit

Some routes have form data that you want to clear when the player leaves the screen, such as the event creation form. Otherwise it’s a little weird if the player comes back six hours later and the form still has their previous data. If the route incorporates this Mixin, it will trigger the resetController method on the controller whenever the player leaves the screen. The Controller must implement that method to clear out whatever data is necessary.

Authenticated Controller

The AuthenticatedController mixin provides some utility methods like isApproved that can be used in templates to control whether certain actions are allowed.