Command Handling

  • [code]
  • [plugins]
  • [commands]
  • [dispatcher]

When a MU client sends text to the game’s telnet port, several things happen:

  1. The text is converted into a Command object.
  2. The Command object is added to the Dispatcher’s dispatch queue.
  3. When it gets to that command in the queue, the Dispatcher will ask each plugin (starting with Custom) if it’s interested in that command.
  4. If a plugin returns a command handler object, the Dispatcher will call on_command in the handler and then stop asking other plugins if they want the command.
  5. If no plugins handle the command, the Dispatcher will emit the default “Huh?” message.

Handling Commands

If a plugin wants to handle and event, it must implement the get_cmd_handler method in its plugin module. This method is given a command object and and can return either nil (if the plugin doesn’t want the event) or an event handler class (if it does).

Most plugins have a case statement based on the root command, and ten a second case statement based on the switch. For example:

module AresMUSH
  module Events
    def self.get_cmd_handler(client, cmd, enactor)
      case cmd.root
      when "event"
        case cmd.switch
        when nil
          if (cmd.args)
            return EventDetailCmd
            return EventsCmd
        when "create"
          return EventCreateCmd

Extending and Overriding Commands

If you want to extend or override commands, you can do so by modifying the command handler in the Custom plugin. Commands are given to Custom before any other plugin, giving you the opportunity to inject a custom command handler. For example, here we have overridden the “note” command with our own, and added a new switch to the “event” command.

module AresMUSH
  module Custom
    def self.get_cmd_handler(client, cmd, enactor)
      case cmd.root
      when "note"
        return MyCustomNoteCmd
      when "event"
        case cmd.switch
        when "limit"
          return MyNewEventLimitCmd
          return nil

Command Class

The Command class embodies a player’s typed command. Commands are interpreted based on a standard format:

[prefix]root[page][/switch] [args]

All components except the root are optional, so valid commands might include:

input prefix root page switch args
mail Faraday=Subj/Msg   mail     Faraday=Subj/Msg
help2   help 2    
bbs/new   bbs   new  
+ch Hiya. + ch     Hiya.
+bbs/post 1=Subj/Msg + bbs   post 1=Subj/Msg

The Command class provides easy access to these components through methods like cmd.root and cmd.args.

Command Handler Class

In all the tutorials thus far, we’ve never talked about on_command - it’s always been parse_args and handle and things like that. That’s because all Ares commands use the CommandHandler class.

CommandHandler defines the on_command method for you, and breaks it up into steps with their own individual methods:

  • Log the command.
  • Parse arguments.
  • Perform error checking.
  • If no errors, handle the command.

It also provides useful utilities like variables for enactor and enactor_room and the Arg Parsers.

To utilize the CommandHandler functionality, just include it in your command class and implement a handle method. The rest of the methods are optional:

module AresMUSH
  module Mail
    class MailSendCmd
      include CommandHandler
      def handle


By default, Ares logs all non-sensitive commands. This aids in troubleshooting and also is a security safeguard to track who did what.

For sensitive commands, you can disable logging in your command handler just by overriding the log method. For example, the mail command just logs the fact that you sent mail - it doesn’t log the contents of the message.

class MailSendCmd
  def log_command
    # Don't log full command for message privacy
    Global.logger.debug("#{} #{client} sending mail.")

The page command logs nothing at all:

class PageCmd
  def log_command
    # Don't log pages

Arg Parsing

The parse_args method is the place where you can parse the command string into its individual args. See Arg Parsers for more information.

attr_accessor :num
def parse_args
  self.num = integer_arg(cmd.args)

Error Checking

Error checkers allow you to detect errors before you begin handling the command. They run after argument parsing but before the handle method. There are several built-in error checkers that you’ll see used throughout the Ares code, and you can make your own just by giving the method a name starting with check_. For example:

def check_can_view
   return nil if enactor.has_permission("view_bgs")
   return "You don't have permission to view that."

See Error Checkers for more information.


The handle method is where the ‘guts’ of your command go. 99% of handle methods will end with an emit to the client.

def handle
   # Do something, then...
   client.emit_success "Done!"

Don’t forget that you can emit in multiple ways depending on the type of message. See emits.