Most text blocks in the web portal accept Markdown formatting. Markdown is a markup language that is designed to be readable even when displayed in plain text, making it ideal for text that can also be viewed on the MUSH itself.
Table of Contents
You can view the complete Markdown syntax here. A few of the most common formatting options are shown below for easy reference:
**bold text**
_italics text_
[Link Title](

(you can also use the pretty image tag, described below)
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
* List Item
In addition to the basic Markdown syntax, Ares supports several custom extensions.
You can use slashes for italics too:
//alternate italics//
You can use wikidot style links to link to a page on the wiki:
[[[Wiki Page Name]]]
Category text will automatically be trimmed from the link title (e.g. theme:overview will simply be shown as ‘Overview’) but you can also specify a completely different link title:
[[[Wiki Page Name|Display Title]]]
Finally you can link to external pages.
[http://somewhere Link Title]
For a basic image, the regular markdown syntax will suffice. Note that images live in the game/uploads

You can display images with some easy formatting options, including height, width and alignment (left, right or center) and a url to link to. All of the formatting options can be omitted.
[[image /game/uploads/pic.jpg height=50px width=100px url= center]]
You can use the extended table syntax for easy tables.
| Title 1 | Title 2 |
|----- |----- |
| Text | Text |
You can include a gallery of images (similar to what appears on the character profile pages). Just list the folder and filename, one per line.
You can include all files in a folder using folder/*
There are several social media codes to make it easy to embed playlists, videos and pinterest boards on your character profiles and wiki pages.
[[musicplayer E5TsA6CHpII Description]]
[[pinterest Rreader01/agent-carter]]
[[spotify 37i9dQZEVXbLRQDuF5jeBp]]
[[youtube E5TsA6CHpII]]
Collapsibles let you show and hide text with the click of a button.
[[collapsible button text]]
Text you want to show and hide.
You can include a gallery of characters, a table of scenes, or a list of wiki pages matching certain tags.
[[chargallery navy]]
[[pagelist theme]]
[[scenelist action]]
In all cases you can list multiple tags, separated by spaces.
Tag names may be prefixed with a hyphen to exclude the tag. By default, multiple tags use an “OR” operation, but you can make it an “AND” operation by including a + in front of the tag name.
You can include a list of all pages in a particular category (defined by the part of the page name before the ‘:’).
[[categorylist theme]]
You can include a tab view with multiple tab selections.
[[tab Title1]]
Some text.
[[tab Title2]]
Some other text.
If you have a common snippet that you want to use in multiple places, you can put it into a wiki page of its own and then include it in other pages with the include tag.
[[include PageName]]
Includes can have parameters, like so:
[[include PageName
|foo=Foo Value
In the page, %{foo} will be replaced with “Foo Value”. Be sure to put only one variable per line, and start the line with |
. |
You can also create templates containing starter text for various kinds of pages. See Wiki Tutorial for more information.
You can include an auto-generated table of contents with level 2 and 3 headers. (Level 1 is excluded because it’s always the page title.)
Using the raw <div></div>
, <span></span>
and <pre></pre>
block tags often doesn’t work the way you want for a variety of technical reasons. Instead you can use the div/span/pre wiki extensions.
[[div class="someClass"]]
Some text
If you want to disable all custom Ares markdown extensions on a page, simply add text [[disableWikiExtensions]] anywhere on the page. That’s probably only necessary on a page like this where you’re trying to explain the wiki extensions.
For help using files on wiki pages, see the Wiki Tutorial.