
Channels are a vital tool for communicating in-game, yet many players are stymied by the differences between PennMUSH and TinyMUX channel systems. AresMUSH attempts to unify the channel systems by supporting both Penn and MUX syntax as much as possible.


Because Ares doesn’t use prefixes on commands, it doesn’t matter whether you use +ch, =ch, or just ch – they all work the same.

This, incidentally, is why the public chat channel in Ares defaults to “Chat” instead of “Public”. There were enough mis-pages when “+p” was public chat and “p” was page; take away the prefixes and it just gets insane.


Like MUX, the Ares channel system allows custom channel aliases. Want the “Chat” channel aliased to “pub”? Just change the alias: channel/alias chat=pub.

Like Penn, the Ares channel system defaults the channel aliases to the first 2 or 3 letters of the channel name. So the “Chat” channel is automatically aliased to ‘ch’ and ‘cha’.

You can have as many aliases for a given channel as you want, so you can alias “Chat” to ‘ch’, ‘cha’, ‘pub’, ‘pu’ or any combination thereof.

Because of potential overlap with other commands or duplicate channel aliases, Ares does not automatically add single-letter channel aliases. You can, however, do so manually.


Ares supports the MUX style of channel commands, like cha who or cha off.

Ares also supports the Penn style of channel commands, like channel/who chat or channel/leave chat.

Channels at a Glance

Not sure what aliases to use? The channels command gives you a summary of all available channels and how to talk on them. For example:

Channel                       Description             Announce  Restricted To
(+) Chat                      Public chat.               +      
(+) Questions                 Game questions.            +      

(+) indicates channels you are on:
     ch  talks on Chat.
     cha  talks on Chat.
     q  talks on Questions.
     qu  talks on Questions.

Got questions or suggestions about the Ares channel system? Leave comments below or provide feebdack.